
november 21, 2014

Today I received this in an email from my step mother.

After watching, I scrolled down to find an email within the same chain, from my sister. It read as such:

 This is really nice to see especially after an incident I witnessed yesterday that really broke my heart.  Its almost too perfect that this little boy's mom is the one who helped him write his rap because the mother son pair I saw yesterday was almost the exact opposite.  
     I was at the cutting counter yesterday at Joann's when a family walked by, a couple and their son.  They were buying some fabric and the little boy, probably two years old, said he wanted a tutu.  His mom said no and he repeated that he wanted a tutu, to which she replied "you can't have a tutu, boys don't wear tutus".  The little boy burst into tears and when his dad picked him up he said so broken hearted "I just want a tutu".  After that they walked off and I don't really know what else happened but the whole thing was very sad.  He was only two and they're already telling him what is and isn't OK for him to like as a boy and that was just very disappointing.
    I will say however, on a happier note, the family I was helping at the counter (a mother with her three children, two boys and a girl, and their grandmother) expressed their disappointment as well.  Specifically the Grandmother said, "that's so silly let the boy have a tutu for goodness sake.  He's only two its not gonna mess with his psyche, just let him be happy".  And I was really comforted by her candid response but also for the fact that she said it in front of her grandkids as well.  She then kissed her granddaughter on the nose and said playfully "I just want you to be happy". 
   It was two such opposite experiences one very sad and one restoring my hope a little.  Anyway I thought it was worth sharing especially in light of this adorable and fantastic video

And then there was a response from my dad:

Remember Kimo’s Maui rules:  “No rain,  no rainbows.”  If it wasn’t for that first, discouraging scene, you wouldn’t have been given the gift of the second, heartwarming one.  

I know that this kind of openness and love for each other and for other people. Many people don't have the experience that Alex did in this video and in the time leading up to his performance. But I want to take a moment to be thankful for people everywhere who allow both those they love, and total strangers, this sort of grace, respect, and love.

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