
july 30, 2014

Today is Arnold Schwarzenegger's birthday. Many know him as the Terminator of the Governator, but not many know about his big heart. In honor of his birthday (and my brother's crazy infatuation with him) I will share a video about his current non-profit venture.

To support Aftershcool All-Stars, Arnold will run over anything you want, with his personal tank. Yes, this is a real thing.  Check out this video of him running over a horse-sized duck.

Check out his site for more info.

july 29, 2014

Yesterday, the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, Bülent Arinç made a few comments that many have found troubling. While preaching on the value of chastity for men, but especially for women *sigh*, he argued that chaste women don't laugh in public.

You read that right.

Women all over the world have responded, many posting photos on social media of themselves laughing.

If he doesn't think such behavior is appropriate, he shouldn't say such hilarious things!

via NPR

july 28, 2014

The Satanic Temple is seeking to use the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision  to seek religious exemption from "informed-consent" laws in some states that require women to take extra information into account before allowing her to have an abortion. These laws sometimes require women to take extra time or undergo an ultrasound before allowing them to get the procedure.

The Satanic Temple has written a letter arguing that they too should be allowed protection in light of this ruling, especially since much of the laws in question are based on politics rather than fact. Here is an excerpt from that letter:
I regard any information required by state statute to be communicated or offered to me as a precondition for an abortion (separate and apart from any other medical procedure) is based on politics and not science (“Political Information”). I regard Political Information as a state sanctioned attempt to discourage abortion by compelling my consideration of the current and future condition of my fetal or embryonic tissue separate and apart from my body. I do not regard Political Information to be scientifically true or accurate or even relevant to my medical decisions. The communication of Political Information to me imposes an unwanted and substantial burden on my religious beliefs.
Read more in this article, via Feministing 

july 27, 2014

As Slate's June Thomas points out in her article, Cosmo sex tips have increasingly become the subject of mockery if they aren't downright ignored. But, this week they did something worth noting when they published a list titled "28 Mind-Blowing Sex Positions". This may, on its face, not seem all that remarkable, but the history of same-sex portrayal has been fraught with shame and falsehoods. This article is a step in the right direction, for sure.

july 26, 2014

This wont be the first appearance Kristen Bell makes on the blog. I have long adored her wit and her healthy approaches to female standards of beauty and behavior. Here she is, as Mary Poppins, singing about the necessity of raising the minimum wage in this Funny or Die video.

I was having trouble embedding it for some reason, so just click the link above.

july 25, 2014

This amazing graffiti on an Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery billboard via Feministing.

Stop body shaming.

july 24, 2014

In the news, we often hear stories about the internet as a place where bullying and pain are transmitted and magnified. Social media allows embarrassing information (true or false) to spread like wild fire, often anonymously. All too many times we hear about the horrifying effects of cyber bullying.

Today, let's look at something on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Writer Lindy West decided to start "I Believe You | It's Not You Fault" as a space for young people, particularly women, to come for support. The Tumblr site is a place to share stories of sexual assault and receive support, advice, and unconditional love from older women who have gone through the same things.

See, the internet isn't so bad, sometimes.

july 23, 2014


july 22, 2014

Shout out today to an awesome organization: Lady Parts Justice. This group seeks to bring comedy and honesty to issues of reproductive rights in all 50 states. Sarah Silverman is one of the many people who have partnered with them to bring awareness to this important topic. She even made a video to promote their V to Shining V campaign.

I am proud to say that their page devoted to Delaware couldn't come up with the full list of 5 creepy things, "We literally searched for more scary things. Delaware provides access to low income women and women of color and has tough laws against transgender hate crimes. Still, you did let Christine O’Donnell happen so we will be watching."

There's still a lot to be done, but groups like this give me hope.


july 21, 2014

Today is the 21st birthday of my younger sister, Hannah. That makes me happy!


july 20, 2014

This beautiful story about a group of Lowes employees on Staten Island who fixed a broken wheelchair for a Vietnam vet. Free of charge and after hours.

july 19, 2014

NPR compiled a list of the songs of summer from 1962-2014. It's AMAZING!

Check it out.


july 18, 2014

Today is Nelson Mandela International Day, celebrated for Nelson Mandela's birthday, and this marks the first year since Madiba passed away. The goal of the holiday is to encourage everyone to do at least one hour of service, with a focus that shifts each year to different areas or need. This year will be concerned with food, shelter, and literacy.
The Citizen posted a nice piece about what some prominent people and groups in South Africa are doing today - read it here.


I hope we can all take some time today to consider this man's profound legacy and maybe do something to make the world a better place.


july 17, 2014

I am sure that today's link will not be new to all of you, it has been making its rounds on social media and news websites, but just in case you haven't seen it.

Let me introduce you to Kacy Catanzaro, the first woman to complete the American Ninja Warrior challenge. You will hear over and over again if you watch her run that she is only five feet tall and weighs just one hundred pounds. You'll hear it over and over because the two male announcers are pretty sure that she won't make it. Boy were they wrong!

Click here to read an interview with #MightyKacy at Vulture.


july 16, 2014

Today, Buzzfeed shared photos of twenty-two of their female employees sharing what birth control means to them.

The photos illustrate just some of the many reasons that women all around the country and the world are on birth control. In light of conversations following the recent Hobby Lobby ruling, it's important to remember that birth control plays different roles for everyone.
And, even more importantly, female reproductive health is a full of personal decisions, and personal they should stay.

july 15, 2014

Feministing hosted a Google+ hangout to discuss the fabulous movie, Obvious Child starring Jenny slate. The film is described most simply as a rom-com that centers around an abortion - check out the trailer here:

The Hangout featured two of the filmmakers, as well as advocates from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Advocates for Youth.

july 14, 2014

Weird Al is back with a new album, and as someone who has seen him live (for my brother's birthday, once) I feel like I had to share this.
Anyone who has spent time perusing the comments section of just about any website  can giggle at these grammatical jokes

july 13, 2014

While marriage-equality remains a point of contention for many people, particularly those within the Christian right-wing, there are many Christian people who passionately support equality for the LGBTQ community.  The Not All Like That Christians Project came around as a way of combatting the loud, and often hateful, voices that seem to make up the bulk of Christian representation within the media.

Today, I want to share a piece, written by a Baptist pastor, that speaks in favor of equality and backs it up with scripture and faith.

Here's an excerpt from his piece:

"Isn’t it interesting that Jesus says nothing about same-sex relations or relationships? Not a single word of judgment. What Jesus does condemn, however, are attitudes and actions rooted in prejudice, greed, and intolerance, and he exhorts us to treat others the way we would want to be treated....Christians who condemn LGBTQ persons pursue a false holiness, one they can measure, mandate, control. Too often they do not seem to be interested in the holiness of grace grounded in honesty and humility, and expressed through acceptance and inclusion."


july 12, 2014

Check out this sea lion's concern after a young girl falls down.

july 11, 2014

FREE tech education for women and minorities!

In response to a report released earlier this year, which showed pretty disappointing numbers for diversity within the Google staff, the company is offering vouchers for people who would like to learn more. The vouchers will cover three free months of tech classes, and Google says the vouchers available "number in the thousands".

Read more here.


july 10, 2014

Warning: Today's post may cause tears of joy.

John legend created a beautiful video for his new song "You and I" which highlights all kinds of female beauty and even has some fun female cameos.

Check it out

july 9, 2014

The "50 States of LEGO" with hilarious images to portray every one of the United States.

Check out their take on the crossing of the Delaware, for example

july 8, 2014

Today's post is not something that will be an easy giggle or a simply smile. This post is a call to action.

Over the holiday weekend, there were eighty-two shootings reported in Chicago. Fourteen people were killed. Gun violence in this country is getting totally out of control and it's no long acceptable to say there's nothing we can do about it.

via The Onion

Today, I implore each and every one of you to sign the Gun Sense Pledge.  


july 7, 2014

Today I got to see a group from New Orleans I've been dying to catch live! Hurray for the Riff Raff played a free, outdoor show in downtown Chicago as part of the Downtown Sounds series.

Lead singer, Alynda Lee Sagarra played a song called "The Body Electric" that's her response to the tradition of murder ballads in American Folk music. Definitely worth a listen!


july 6, 2014

Your semi-weekly dose of PostSecret!

To change the world you have to first believe that you can.

july 5, 2014

Check out NPR's list of their 25 favorite albums of the year thus far. I was especially pleased to see Hurray for the Riff Raff on there!

july 4, 2014

Happy Fourth everyone! Hopefully everyone is taking it easy. Your video today comes, appropriately, from Captain America himself.

july 3, 2014

Everyday life for women has increasingly become the subject of many an article and long think-piece with stories about the Hobby Lobby decision and the flaws in the system in regards to campus sexual assault cases proliferating our daily news. 

Sometimes though, you just have to be short and sweet. Buzzfeed ran a list last week entitled "The 31 realest Tumblr posts about being a woman" that is certainly thought provoking and silly.

Here are two of my favorites. Check out the rest by clicking the link above.


july 2, 2014

Some of you may have heard recently about what is being somewhat-innocuously called "defensive architecture", referring to built-in features intended to deter homeless people and prostitutes from loitering.

Slate recently ran an article about artist Nils Norman's campaign to bring awareness to this phenomena and document it all over the world. I was heartbroken not only to see that this exists, but to discover how common it is in communities the world over.

Today, Gawker ran an article about a new Canadian campaign that is seeking to do the opposite.


july 1, 2014

This gem of a photo from Awesome People Hanging Out Together. Two people who's legacies have been strangely part of my life in very different ways.