

Hello readers,

Thank you so much for your continued patience. After a very long day yesterday, the entire contents of this blog has been imported to my new platform.


november 22, 2014


I am going to be moving my blog to a new platform. I am hoping that this will help me get more traffic and make the reading experience a little better for all of you. 

What that means, is that I am going to take some time off while I migrate my posts so far onto the new platform. Check back on December 1 and I'll update you all on the progress.


november 21, 2014

Today I received this in an email from my step mother.

After watching, I scrolled down to find an email within the same chain, from my sister. It read as such:

 This is really nice to see especially after an incident I witnessed yesterday that really broke my heart.  Its almost too perfect that this little boy's mom is the one who helped him write his rap because the mother son pair I saw yesterday was almost the exact opposite.  
     I was at the cutting counter yesterday at Joann's when a family walked by, a couple and their son.  They were buying some fabric and the little boy, probably two years old, said he wanted a tutu.  His mom said no and he repeated that he wanted a tutu, to which she replied "you can't have a tutu, boys don't wear tutus".  The little boy burst into tears and when his dad picked him up he said so broken hearted "I just want a tutu".  After that they walked off and I don't really know what else happened but the whole thing was very sad.  He was only two and they're already telling him what is and isn't OK for him to like as a boy and that was just very disappointing.
    I will say however, on a happier note, the family I was helping at the counter (a mother with her three children, two boys and a girl, and their grandmother) expressed their disappointment as well.  Specifically the Grandmother said, "that's so silly let the boy have a tutu for goodness sake.  He's only two its not gonna mess with his psyche, just let him be happy".  And I was really comforted by her candid response but also for the fact that she said it in front of her grandkids as well.  She then kissed her granddaughter on the nose and said playfully "I just want you to be happy". 
   It was two such opposite experiences one very sad and one restoring my hope a little.  Anyway I thought it was worth sharing especially in light of this adorable and fantastic video

And then there was a response from my dad:

Remember Kimo’s Maui rules:  “No rain,  no rainbows.”  If it wasn’t for that first, discouraging scene, you wouldn’t have been given the gift of the second, heartwarming one.  

I know that this kind of openness and love for each other and for other people. Many people don't have the experience that Alex did in this video and in the time leading up to his performance. But I want to take a moment to be thankful for people everywhere who allow both those they love, and total strangers, this sort of grace, respect, and love.

november 20, 2014

Tonight I had the opportunity to see Ta-Nehisi Coates speak at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics. For those of you who don't recognize his name, Ta-Nehisi wrote the article "The Case for Reparations" that ran in the June issue of The Atlantic this summer.

In the piece, which you absolutely must read if you haven't, he points out that when we think of reparations, people often dismiss it as something that was talked about ages ago, but is no longer relevant. He argues here that though slavery may have ended over a century ago, there has continued to be state-sanctioned and systemic means of keeping black people down have been far more recent (at least until the 1960's, if you're being unbelievably conservative) and that those actions and their consequences need to be honestly and meaningfully reckoned with.

His talk last night was deeply moving and enlightening and a wonderful addition to reading the piece. Here it is in its entirety, please find the time to watch (or just listen) to this.

Author's note: Ta-Nehisi mentions H.R. 40 during his talk, otherwise known as the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African American Act. Find a link to that legislation here and take the time to let your Representatives know that this is a question that we need to reckon with.


november 19, 2014

Two women that I have an immense amount of respect for, talking about being badass.

I am going to nerd out...a little bit...but MOCKINGJAY COMES OUT SO SOON.

that was embarrassing...

november 18, 2014

The New York Times ran a story on the 14th of this month about the man behind a pretty cool project in Chicago's South Side. Rami Nashishibi is the founder of the non-profit Inner-City Muslim Action Network or IMAN, which seeks to create interfaith dialogue as well as nurture spaces for support between different communities.

Read the full piece about one man doing great things in a place very near (literally) and dear to me here.


november 17, 2014


Evil Dead is a franchise that has a loyal cult following. It has been rebooted within the last five years, to phenomenal results. And for those of you who, like me, have been jonesing for more - your wish has been granted.

Starz has just revealed that next year, it will launch a miniseries format reboot of the series, that will pick up where Army of Darkness left off.

All I can say is,

november 16, 2014

This is not new, at this point, but earlier this week President Obama spoke out in favor of net neutrality and posted his thoughts online for everyone to read.

This is still a very hot-button issue for millions of people, for obvious reasons. If the FCC decides to do away with net neutrality, that will mean some pretty big changes to the way that we are able to access different kinds of content.

Read the full piece, here. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled.


november 15, 2014

Azealia Banks finally released her much-anticipated album, Broke with Expensive Taste after years of delay and rumors.

Her first video from the video finally appeared, and it's dripping with references to several queens of pop and hip-hop.

I don't always agree with everything that Banks does, or says on Twitter, but I do think she has an unbelievable amount of talent and her drive and ambition. Read more about how we finally got this wonderful album here.

november 14, 2014

Here is a beautiful meditation on love and worth via On Being. Read it and remember the phenomenal power of love.

You Began in Love (or Someone Once Wiped Your Ass Over and Over Again)


november 13, 2014

Happy Endings. It was one of the best shows to be on TV in years! If you need proof, just watch this "Best of" compilation.

When Happy Endings was cancelled, back in 2013 I was heartbroken, and I was not alone. It was a truly devastating time, but the news isn't all bad. In the months since the show was cancelled, many of our favorite cast members have been popping back up on TV. Damon Wayans Jr. (Brad) popped right back up on New Girl, which he had done the pilot for before Happy Endings was picked up for its second season. Adam Pally (Max) became the newest doctor at Schullman and Associates on The Mindy Project. Casey Wilson (Penny) is a few episodes into her new show, Marry Me, which is created by David Caspe (creator of Happy Endings and her now husband).

Well Eliza Coupe (Jane) has joined the party with a new show on USA called Benched. She plays a high-powered attorney who loses her job and becomes a lowly public defender. I am so glad to see all of my favorites back on TV. Dave and Alex, we're waiting for you!

Read this profile of female lawyers on TV from New York Magazine.

november 12, 2014

Happy Hump Day, everyone! Today, the United States and China reached a deal to cut and cap (respectively) carbon emissions by 2025.

Listen to the full story, and its implications, here (via Democracy Now).

november 11, 2014

This evening, I was able to see a prescreening of Jon Stewart's first film, Rosewater.

It is a phenomenal film that tells the unbelievable true story of the Newsweek journalist Maziar Bahari. Fresh Air with Terry Gross ran an interview with Jon Stewart that offers some insight into the process of making the film, and on the role that humor played in every part of this story.

november 10, 2014

Back in early October, an episode of Real Time with Bill Maher got a lot of attention and enflamed some very passionate feelings on two sides of an argument. If you haven't seen the clip, you can view it here. Bill Maher, along with Sam Harris, makes some pretty offensive and ridiculous generalizations about Islam as a religion and about not only people who follow that faith, but live in nations that are primarily Muslim. The rest of the guests on Maher's show, including Ben Affleck, came to the defense of reason and tried their best to point out that these points of view are based on painting large swaths of the population with ignorant stereotypes.

This debate is one that happens in the media and in our own communities on a very regular basis. On Friday, On The Media ran a piece which takes a look at social media movements, coming from Muslim communities, that seek to stand up and declare that they are equally upset and disgusted by the actions of extremist groups, like ISIS, that claim to do what they do in order to follow religious teaching.

It is an issue that people of all races, religions, and nationalities must constantly make ourselves aware of. No one should have to defend the actions of others in this way.


november 9, 2014

Pico Iyer just released a TED Book called The Art of Stillness, discussing the merits and necessity of taking time to unplug and allow ourselves to relax. Medium shared an excerpt from his book called "Let's Go Nowhere" that is an absolute must-read for those of us living in this technological age.

Check it out here.


november 8, 2014

Oh Florida. 

On Wednesday evening, 90 year old Arnold Abbott of Fort Lauderdale was arrested for feeing the homeless. The city recently passed a city-wide ordinance that made "food sharing" outdoors much more strictly regulated, effectively making the work of Abbott's Love Thy Neighbor organization illegal.

Abbott could face fines or even jail time, because of his dedication to his cause. So clearly, I'm not glad that he was arrested, but I find this story to be an inspiration. Arnold Abbott is making me happy today.

Story via TwentyTwoWords. Watch Stephen Colbert cover this on his show this week, here.

november 7, 2014

For those of you who aren't familiar with Tig Notaro, prepare for a brief primer. Tig is a hilarious stand-up comedian/writer. She has a podcast with comedians Kyle Dunnigan and David Huntsberger called Professor Blastoff, which made Rolling Stone's list of 20 best comedy podcasts.

She recently did an interview with Jesse Thorn, host of the podcast Blastoff where she talks about her struggle with breast cancer in 2012 and how that experience has affected her life and her comedy. 

Here she is doing the first set I ever heard her do, when it was featured on This American Life:

Most recently, Tig was featured in a piece for The New Yorker about a set she did in NYC last night. It's a beautiful piece that really sums up everything I love about her. Give it a read here.


november 6, 2014

I am going to do something crazy. I'm going to talk (briefly and broadly) about religion. Let me first say that I firmly hold that everyone's religious beliefs and tendencies are their own and I don't seek to change minds or force people to speak to their feelings. It is, perhaps because of this, that I have so little patience for people who expound upon the profoundness of their faith in Jesus, while reading a laundry list of people that God wouldn't approve of.

Let me offer an example from one of my favorite movies, Saved:

I bring you the last graph you'll ever need on HELL.

Via Patheos, "Love God, and love your neighbors as you love yourself. Do that–spend every moment of every day doing that—and then see how much time you have left over to worry about what happens to people who aren’t you after they die."


november 5, 2014

Here's something else to be glad about after the elections yesterday. Four different states and two California cities passed laws to raise minimum wage, including Arkansas (which had the lowest minimum wage in the nation).

Take the victories where you can!

Via BitchMedia

november 4, 2014


I hope that everyone got out and voted in the midterms. Writing this in the evening, I already know that many of the polls are closed and results are in. Republicans now have control of the senate and things are likely about to change.

For a day that had a lot of news that could be disheartening for some, there are things to be happy about. Like this.

Learn how to pledge to be a Gun Sense Voter here.

november 3, 2014

I am sure that I have written on here already at some point about this childhood friend of mine. Sarah McBride is a transgender activist working in Washington D.C. who continues to inspire me every day.

Today, the University of Delaware's online newspaper posted an article about Sarah's recent speaking engagement at the university.

Read the whole thing here!


november 2, 2014

I like to post a submission from PostSecret  every Sunday because it is one of my favorite sites on the internet and I think it represents something so much larger. The site updates every Sunday and I recommend that everyone add it to your internet adventures on Sundays.

Today, we have an especially unique entry. It features a secret that was posted long ago, and reposted more recently. The secret's author saw and sent a beautiful note to the site's administrator - Frank Warren.

Original Secret: 

 And the note:

november 1, 2014

Many people will tell you that if you're looking for something to watch on the internet that will make you feel all the feels, YouTube videos of returning U.S. soldiers being reunited with their dogs.

Today, a whole different sort of pet-owner reunion took place. Nina Pham, one of the Dallas nurses who contracted Ebola after treating the first U.S. patient, has been in quarantine for the last twenty-one days. While she has been quarantined, so has her dog Bentley.

This event is especially beautiful in light of the fact that the pet dog of a nurse in Spain who was quarantined for Ebloa was euthanized upon her diagnosis. We are glad that both in this story are well and ready go back home.

Read more here.


october 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!! Here is a video that features almost every reference in Cabin in the Woods!

This should go without saying, but if you haven't seen the movie, this video contains spoilers.

october 30, 2014

It's almost here. Halloween is almost here. With it will come more candy and sugar than anyone can handle. If you didn't see John Oliver's timely take down of the sugar industry on Last Week Tonight this past Sunday, do yourself a favor.

The problem is, if you have ever been a child (and I think we've all been there) you know that the houses who try to give out a healthy alternative are despised, and god forbid you as a parent try to limit your child's candy haul.

Enter the Halloween Candy Buyback. Dentists and orthodontists across the country participate buy offering $1 for every pound of Halloween candy (which is terrifying in and of itself if you ask me!). This helps kids to feel like they aren't doing all that hard work for nothing, and the candy then gets donated to Operation Gratitude to be sent overseas in care packages to US soldiers.

If you know some kids who will be trick r treating this Halloween, and bringing in a big haul, consider this! Read more and find a zip-code locator for participating offices near you via NPR.

october 29, 2014

Steven Spazuk is an artist. Here is a piece he created, called Jerry.

Wanna know what he used? Fire and feathers.  Read all about it and watch a video of his process here.

october 28, 2014

An awesome group of queer and trans youth in New Orleans, called Break OUT  recently completed an almost thirty page report on policing in New Orleans called We Deserve Better.

The report goes into detail about where, when, and how LGBTQ youth are targeted and, effectively, criminalized by the police force. Read more via Feministing here.

Download and read the full report here.


october 27, 2014

I know we've been video heavy recently, but there have been so many good ones! Here is a new music video from OKGO. If you know anything about these guys, it's that they make amazing videos. Add this one to the list.

october 26, 2014

Spike Lee directed a short film about female pitching phenom, Mo'ne Davis. You may remember her from the Little League World Series this summer, where she became the first girl to pitch a shutout LLWS.

Via Femisting.

october 25, 2014

Simple and silly. Via ILoveCharts.

october 24, 2014

This video is weird and appeals to me because of a long-standing inside joke. I hope it makes you smile too, even without any of that back-story!

octobre 23, 2014


october 22, 2014

Today, Slate posted a beautiful series of photographs by Sage Sohier of same-sex couples at their homes in the 1980's.

These photos remind us that although the gay rights movement has become especially prominent in the news cycles and has started to gain traction politically, this is not a new issue. For too long, men and women have not been safe and supported to really be themselves.

Let's keep moving in the right direction.

Check out the rest of the photos here.

october 21, 2014

This is a completely self-promotional post today, but if any of you out there are horror fans, like I am, you'll love this too!

I am proud to announce that I am now a contributor for!! Check out my first review here!


october 20, 2014

Mindy Kaling is a role model of mine. Her show The Mindy Project, airing on FOX on Tuesday nights, is one of my favorite shows on television right now. Don't believe me? Just watch this montage. Do it, seriously...

We shouldn't live in a society where successful women are automatically outliers but, for the time being, we do. So listen to this interview that Mindy did for NPR Morning Edition. It's wonderful.


october 19, 2014

In 2010, Martin Booker died while in Police custody, and this week, in an unprecedented turn of events for a police brutality case, jurors awarded $4.65 million to his family. Booker was a homeless priest living in Denver who was picked up by authorities and died after being knocked to the ground, piled on by multiple officers, put in a chokehold, and tasered.

We have seen many cases of police brutality, particularly with victims of color, and often the resulting outcry seems to be the only consequence. Officers are too rarely punished, and often allowed to stay at their jobs, with no impediment or change. In this case, we see that the people have spoken up and hopefully this will serve as a warning to those officers who think this sort of behavior is acceptable.

The loss of a life is never something to be celebrated or taken lightly. All we can do is hope and work for change, so that others will not continue to suffer the same fate.

Listen to an segment on Democracy Now! here.


october 18, 2014

Slate is introducing a new podcast called Working. In it, David Plotz will speak to people about their jobs and how they work. The first episode went online this week and his first guest?

Check out this 40 minute podcast and hear the unbelievably-talented Stephen Colbert talking about making his show and his character.


october 17, 2014

Today's post is very Chicago-specific, but the website that I write for posted this video about a local bar commodity that is hard to describe in any way other than saying it's an acquired taste.

This is for everyone who has ever had Jeppson's Malört.

october 16, 2014

My lovely sister is one of the most festive people I know. She loves holidays and celebrates each and every one to its fullest. Halloween, however, is one of her absolute favorites. With her wild imagination and flair for theatrics, the celebration carries on all month.

She has created a Halloween playlist that has little of the cliche stuff you're sick of hearing and all sorts of fun things that work perfectly. 

Check it out here!!


october 15, 2014

With no warning, and no real explanation, the Supreme Court passed down a position allowing a dozen abortion clinics to reopen in Texas. In a state that small, it's still small, but it's a start.

Read the whole story here.


october 14, 2014

Today is a day I have been waiting ages for!! Andrew McMahon frontman of favorite bands of my youth, Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin, released a new album this morning. Entitled Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, the new album is wonderful.

Just try to listen to this song he wrote for his baby daughter and try not to smile!

october 13, 2014

This one has been floating around the net for a while, so there's a good chance you've already seen it.  It's worth a watch whether you have never seen it or you have.

Watch actor and writer, B.J. Novak, read his new children's book (with NO pictures) to a room full of kids.


october 12, 2014

Weekly PostSecret!

october 11, 2014

I've become pretty infatuated with Cameron Esposito recently. After listening to several interviews with her, and reading an op-ed she wrote for The A.V. Club. Today, All Things Considered shared an interview with Cameron in which she talks about her comedy and her attitude on hecklers,

"... If you care about gay people in a way where you would want them to not be what they are, I just wonder, what's up with your life? How are you doing? Are you OK? I just felt like I wanted to give that guy like a really big hug. Followed by a punch. Just a punch and a hug. Hug and a punch."

Check out the full thing, here.


october 10, 2014

Just a few days ago, I highlighted an amazing person who has done much in his eighty-three years to make the world a better place. Today, the world honors another amazing soul, who has showed unbelievable levels of strength and bravery in her comparatively short life.

Today, Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize, which she will share with Kailash Satyarthi, and Indian children's rights activist. 


october 9, 2014

As someone who has worked in several restaurants, this really warms my heart. Be careful to remember when you are out to eat and are not having a great experience, it isn't always the waiter's fault.
This couple recently had a poor time at a restaurant, but recognized that their waiter was doing the best he could.

From their Facebook page:
People all around us were making fun of the restaurant & how bad the service was. Yeah, it was pretty terrible. But, it was very obvious that the issue was being short staffed, not the server. He was running around like crazy and never acted annoyed with any table. At one point we counted he had 12 tables plus the bar. More than any one person could handle! As I sat there and watched him run back & forth and apologize for the wait, I said to Steven… Wow, this used to be us. Waiting tables. I don't miss it at all and I never loved that job. I did it for the tips. Steven and I agreed it would feel good to make this guys night when he would probably be getting minimal to no tips due to slow service. We walked out before he saw this and I'm not posting this for a pat on the back. I'm just sharing this as a friendly reminder to think of the entire situation, before you judge. And always always always remember where you came from.

Full story here. 

october 8, 2014

Today we wish a happy birthday to a man that has been an inspiration to me throughout my life. 

Photo via ZambiaReports

Desmond Tutu is Archbishop Emeritus and a Nobel Laureate from South Africa. He played a crucial role in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Hearings at the end of apartheid and has continued to be a strong advocate for human rights around the world. 

Check out the Desmond Tutu Peace  Foundation to learn more about this amazing man. May we all be just a little more like him.


october 6, 2014

On Saturday, the audience and performers at the St. Louis Symphony were surprised by a group of demonstrators. As the conductor and symphony members took their places at the end of the intermission, a man and woman began to sing, and other voices joined them in singing the popular union song, "Which Side Are You On?"

Demonstrators unfurled banners with Michael Brown's name along with the dates of his birth and death.

Protests continue in Ferguson as people seek answers and appropriate action in the wake of Mike Brown's killing. Listen to the full story, via NPR here.


october 5, 2014

Your PostSecret smile of the week!

Don't we all, don't we all....

october 4, 2014

Today I bring you a rabbit hole to fall into! Check out Rejected Princesses for a fantastic, detail-oriented look at strong, and sometimes crazy, women throughout world history. These are women that we don't talk about, don't hear about, and certainly don't see portrayed by Disney animators.

october 3, 2014

Today, I got the opportunity to do something truly exciting, and that's what is making me happy. Due to my position with The Chicagoist I was able to obtain a press pass to one of the first North American screenings of a a new film called "Words with Gods".

The film is made up of nine short segments, each done by different directors from around the wold, that portray a moment in the life of various people of different faiths and in different nations. The segments represent almost all eight world religions and include a piece about Atheism.

It was absolutely amazing and completely moving to see. Keep your eyes peeled for screenings near you!


october 2, 2014

Mayan women took on agricultural giant Monsanto, and won!

Last month, a movement lead primarily by indigenous people was successful in repealing the Monsanto Law, which would have granted patents to the transnational company for several hybrid varieties of seeds. In effect, small farmers could have been severely punished if any of these seeds commingled with their crops, through pollination or wind.

Read more of this underdog story here.

october 1, 2014


Fatu Kekula, a twenty-two year old woman in Liberia, is a young nurse-in-training. Three out of her four immediate relatives contracted ebola and were unable to receive care. After being turned away and left to fend for herself, Fatu decided to care for them all on her own. Not only did she treat them, but she avoided infection herself.

Read more here.


september 30, 2014

History was made yesterday. In a move that will hopefully be emulated and become the norm nation-wide, Governor of California, Jerry Brown, passed the "Yes Means Yes" law. The goal of this law is to concretely and clearly define, in legal terms, what amounts to appropriate and consensual sex. This law will help colleges and universities to handle cases of sexual assault on campuses, as well as helping to remove some of the onus and blame from victims statewide.

Let's give California some love and start encouraging our own law-makers to follow suit.

september 29, 2014

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is no stranger to most people's lists of smile-worthy things, especially recently. In the last few years, it has become popular within pop-culture politics to ask celebrities (especially young, female celebrities) whether they consider themselves to be feminist. Just Google "young celebrities denounce feminism" and you get a pretty sad list of articles. It seems to be that a lot of the aversion to the term and the title has to do with this idea that being a Feminist makes you scary, angry, bitter, and anti-men. In almost all cases, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Last week, we had Emma Watson's beautiful remarks about this specific phenomena and the danger posed to us all by the ubiquity of this common misconception. Today, I would like to share with you a video that JGL made for his production company, hitRECord, that seeks to create dialogue through fun, collaborative projects. 

His most recent endeavor is the video below, in which he explains what feminism means to him, as a man and as a human being, and asks others to do the same. The goal is that he will put together a collaborative episode of his web show that accounts for multiple viewpoints and voices. 

We'll keep you posted!


september 28, 2014

How many of us have had this experience?  You're watching or reading the news and you come across a story that involved the police doing something that seems hard to comprehend. Just this summer we had more than one dramatic and high-profile example of this with the killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

In these cases, I often find myself struggling to understand how the police can be so tone-deaf, especially in their handling of situations after they have happened. The United States Department of Justice apparently feels the same way. They are releasing  a new plan for empathy training, which will hopefully become a reality for any and every person undergoing training to become a police officer in the United States.

Cpt. Johnson speaking with protesters and residents in Ferguson once he took over.

The program will start in a few pilot sites and will have three main goals:

  1. Ensure that residents feel they're being fairly treated
  2. Closely examine cops' bias, and it's effects
  3. Create open and honest lines of communication between police and community leaders

After news stories of police forces applying to DOJ for military surplus that was competely unnecessary, this is much more in line with the kind of roll out I would like to see.  How about you?

Read the full story, via Vox.

september 27, 2014

We live in a world and in a time that focuses on news that is negative, partisan, and often hateful. We hear again and again how politicians and the nation are becoming more and more polarized in their beliefs and are finding less common ground. The coverage is filled constantly with stories of bickering, fundamentalism, and a general lack of sensitivity. The New Orleans Times-Picayune/ wants to change that.

A few days ago, they highlighted the story of Christians who are pushing for LGBTQ rights in this country. Cole Avery, a reporter at, spoke with a New Orleans resident names Aaron Viles who says he feels that his faith calls him to support all people, and fight for their right to be protected and acknowledged under the law, and in society as a whole, 

"Set the culture wars aside. It drags Jesus' name through the mud. It diminishes our faith because that's what people think Christianity is about." - Aaron Viles


september 26, 2014

More celebrities speaking to UN. I give you Leonardo DiCaprio speaking to the UN about the urgent challenge of climate change after the march around the world last Sunday.


september 25, 2014

The "What's Underneath Project" is a series of videos, put out by Style Like U that asks people to remove their clothes while answering questions about themselves.

The videos begin with this message about style:

"It is not about wanting to be someone else. It's not about trends. It is your spirit."

These videos are beautiful and vulnerable. Watch more here and remember, who you are is about who you are, not the clothes you wear or the image you project on the outside. 

september 24, 2014

Buzzfeed just ran a list of all sorts of things to help restore your faith in humanity, and along with getting me all sorts of choked up, I recognized several stories that I've posted about here.

Guess I must be doing my job pretty well!

Read the full list here.

september 23, 2014

Last Sunday, 11-year-old Marquis Govan took to the national screen to speak to give many of us another much-needed message.

Marquis spoke about the necessity for fair media coverage of racially-charged news stories, such as the tragic story of Michael Brown's death last month. But he goes even deeper than that. Marquis explains, eloquently and succinctly, that there are many factors to these stories, going back years and years, and the only way to make change is to acknowledge that.

Read the full story here, via Colorlines.


september 22, 2014

Emma Watson spoke in front of the UN on Friday about a new initiative that she is helping to launch as a UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador. The initiative is called He for She, and is meant to be a solidarity movement to get as many people as possible to stand together for gender equality.

Check out her beautiful speech.

september 21, 2014

Today, millions around the world marched and met to demonstrate global support for climate change reform.

 Estimates in New York City alone numbered close to 300,000. Check out more pictures here.


september 20, 2014

A few weeks ago, John Oliver did a piece on student debt during Last Week Tonight. And as his show always is, it was very cutting. He pointed the finger especially at for-profit institutions who use some pretty abysmal tactics and prey on those who are the most vulnerable.

But there is good news! This week, NPR ran a story about a group that call themselves the Rolling Jubilee. This group, which sprung up from the Occupy movement, has made it their mission to try to help students who are being crippled by student loan debt. They buy private loans from the orginal institution and then don't require the students to pay them back. So far, they have eliminated over $15 million in student debt, primarily for students who had attended for-profit universities.

Read the whole story. It's worth it!

september 19, 2014

This is what it feels like on the inside when men give me unwanted attention. I wish I ever had a response as good as hers!


september 18, 2014

Many people saw this photo floating around the internet over the last week

The photo was released by the Philadelphia Police Department on Tuesday in connection with a brutal beating of a gay couple last week. This group is suspected of being the perpetrators of the attack.

Nothing to smile about.

But then, the internet was used for good, and a Philadelphia sports fan (of all people), may have saved the day. An anonymous Twitter user took to social media sites to investigate and identify these people. Then, rather than ruin their lives or give their names to the internet at large, this Twitter user provided them to the police.

Podcast TLDR did a very nice, and short, piece about it. Listen here.