
june 30, 2014

Today the ruling on the Hobby Lobby case came down, and I have had a heavy heart since I heard the news. I recognize that this case has awakened very passionate feelings on both sides. I, personally, am exhausted.
Bearing that in mind, we'll keep it simple and today our smile is bipartisan.

I give you an adorable dog receiving 100 balls for his birthday.


june 29, 2014

Hey fellow Boy Meets World fans!! The spinoff that we have all be waiting for (with cautious optimism) has arrived, and has garnered decently good reviews so far. We can all let out a collective sigh.

In honor of the pilot, today's post will be an article via Paste listing characters we would LOVE to see have appearances in the new show. Each includes a brief bio and a "Where have then been?" segment, lovingly hypothesizing what some of our forgotten friends may have been up to.

For example: Griff Hawkins (portrayed so broodingly by Adam Scott)

"When Harley Keiner left for reform school, John Adams High was missing a bully, a position soon filled by Griff Hawkins. Griff gave lackeys Joey and Frankie someone to look up to, a nicer version of the bully they once followed. When Harley returned (and will once again return as a janitor in Girl Meets World), Joey and Frankie decided to no longer be lackeys, which was fine with Griff, who just disappeared like so many others on this list. Even though Griff only appeared in three episodes, he’s probably most remembered for being portrayed by one of Boy Meets World’s most famous alumni—Adam Scott.

Where has he been?

No longer feeling like he belonged in Philadelphia, Griff soon went to reform school in Minnesota, where he excelled and tried to mend his ways. Griff was always outgoing (even going so far as to set up a star-studded boxing match at John Adams High) so with his new direction in life, Griff determined to become the youngest mayor of his new home of Partridge, Minnesota. hoping to shed his bad boy image and become a new person, Griff changed his name to Ben Wyatt and by the age of eighteen, became the mayor of Partridge. Unfortunately, that bad boy image soon returned when he opened Ice Town and bankrupted his community. Eager to start over once more, Ben is now the city planner for Pawnee, Indiana, where he is married to Leslie Knope and has three kids."

june 28, 2014

For those of you who don't know, I'm a huge horror nerd. What's making me happy today is a new satire on the zombie genre, starring none other than the wonderfully dark, Aubrey Plaza.

Keep your eyes peeled for "Life After Beth".


june 27, 2014

The Daily Show is often a source of smiles for me, but this segment was especially wonderful - and too real.

Please check out the way they handled the absurdity of how U.S. colleges are handling sexual assault cases on their campuses.


june 25, 2014

I'm baaaaaaack!

Sorry for the long break, folks. I returned to Chicago yesterday afternoon from a long weekend at home and at Firefly Music Festival. 

Today, Olivia Wilde's sass is making me happy.

june 18, 2014

I seem to be having a week focused on fathers.  Guess it's only fair.  Fathers' Day becomes Fathers' Week.

Today, Feministing posted this photo of one father's rules to anyone who wants to date his daughter.


june 17, 2014

Speaks for itself.  Read more here.

june 16, 2014

Today was the first US game in World Cup 2014. I have never really followed soccer, but this was an awesome experience. US Men's Soccer is headquartered in Chicago, and they are hosting a series of public screenings of the US games.

taken by me
The first was yesterday in Chicago's Grant Park, where nearly 5,000 (myself included) fans gathered for pre-game events, including a free Lupe Fiasco concert, and then a live-viewing of the game.

The victory was incredible, what an experience!


june 15, 2014

Time for some PostSecret loving! For all of the fathers out there who truly are their children's heroes.


june 14, 2014

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer.  During the summer of 1964, passionate black and white activists from all over the country joined to travel into the American South to register African American voters.

Preparations for this summer were not easy.  Students were trained in Nonviolent Resistance.  Much of what they were learning was how to handle harassment, hate, and violence being directed at them.  Remember these brave young men and women as we continue to struggle with race relations, voting laws, and poverty in our nation.

NPR's Weekend Edition has the story.

june 13, 2014

Last night, Nick Offerman spoke at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association Dinner, and many of us missed it!  The highlight of remarks, a refresher course on the Bill of Rights.  Here's the first half.

Watch the rest here.

june 12, 2014

Tear jerker alert!!  This South Carolina woman recently rescued a chunk of pavement.  Let me explain.

Sissy Hewitt met the man she would marry when she was just 12 years old.  Upon their introduction, he wrote their names in a patch of sidewalk that had just been laid, and was slowly drying.  Less than ten years later, Sissy and David tied the knot.  After 38 years of marriage, David passed away in 2008.

Recently, when Sissy saw construction going on in the area where their sidewalk was located, she contacted the city in order to save the precious cement.

Crying yet? At least I warned you. 

Read the rest of the story here.

june 11, 2014via

This adorable child!!


june 10, 2014

Laverne Cox has been no stranger to this blog.  Many will remember when the Possibility Model appeared on Katie Couric's show with trans model Carmen Carrera.  That interview got Couric a lot of bad press when she asked Carrera very personal questions about her physical transformation and her genitalia.

This week, Cox returned to The Katie Couric Show to make that a "teachable moment".  Watch her second interview here, she truly is inspiring.

photo from

june 9, 2014

Today I want to share another amazing creation that could revolutionize the way that people all over the world are living in a monumental way.

It may look like an ordinary book, but it is so much more.  Apart from the educational aspect which can teach people what sorts of contaminants to be wary of and what sources of water are healthy, each page of this book can be used as a filter that removes more than 99% of bacteria.  Check out the video!

To help get Drinkable Books out there, or just learn more, check out their website.


june 8, 2014

The conversation about climate change is one that has been around for so long that many of us take it for granted. We are all acutely aware of the debate that is often fought between climate change researchers and Christian leaders.

During my time as a Religious Studies minor at Eckerd College, I was always immensely troubled by the false dichotomy that was perpetuated between science and religion, between faith and reason. Both of these frames of mind may exist together and often do.  Being devoutly religious does not mean standing in opposition to those who seek to take care of the planet.  Rather, it calls us to stand with them, and fight for change.

NPR's Weekend Edition shared an interview today with Katherine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist who is also deeply religious and Christian.  Take some time today to hear it, and to listen.

Happy Sunday, y'all!

june 7, 2014

Let today's post serve as a much-needed reminder of the value of each and every human voice.

The Atlantic shared a piece this week that highlights individual stories and experiences from Americans who are living under the burden of homelessness.  These stories come from a program being undertaken at St Stephen's Human Services of Minneapolis.

Please take some time to read, hear, and feel these stories.


june 6, 2014

In the last year or so, I have become a lot more aware of FEMINISM.  I think that this is due, in part, to the fact that media and society on the whole have become a lot more focused on and aware of feminism.  Part of what we've learned with this gained awareness is that lots of people don't know what it means!

photo via

Emily V. Gordon of the website Hello Giggles recently decided to talk to kids about feminism and see what their understanding of the word could teach us grown ups.  The children asked were both boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12 years of age, and they had a variety of things to say.

Check it out here.


june 5, 2014

What's making me happy today is also keeping me incredibly busy.  As of this past weekend, I am now the Weekend Playlist correspondent for The Chicagoist.

Click here to check out my playlist to get you in the mood for this warm weather!! Wish me luck as I continue to try and come up with a new mix every week :D


june 4, 2014

Today's story comes via my lovely boyfriend who shared this with me.
Your smile for today comes in the form of a mosque in Murfreesboro, TN that has won its battle with local opposition. The case has made its wat through many circuits but, on Monday, the Supreme Court denied to hear the case.
Read the full story, via Religious News, here.


june 3, 2014

The website Swimsuits for All recently did their own photo shoot in Turks and Caicos in response to this year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.  The goal is to encourage women of all shapes and sizes to feel sexy and confident and it's awesome!

Taken from BuzzFeed.  Check out their swimsuits here.


june 2, 2014

It's been a bit heavy the past few days, so here's a fun comic for making you smile! Find more here.

june 1, 2014

If you're not watching Last Week Tonight  on HBO then you should be!! Here is John Oliver's take on the net neutrality debate.

Show your disdain for net neutrality at by leaving a comment.  Let your voice be heard!

may 31, 2014

The discussion around #YesAllWomen has gotten pretty heavy over the last week or so, and with good reason.  There has also been a lot of debate over the validity and helpfulness of this trend.  Upworthy has shared some thoughts form Louie C.K. on the subject.

From Upworthy:

What's that? Why are we fact-checking a Louis C.K. bit? Well, funny you should ask...
See, technically, heart disease is also the #1 threat to women's lives. But our handy dandy fact-check army also found that more than four times as many women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner in a year (1.3 million) than from die from heart disease (290,000). So, uh, Louis has a real, factually based point here, folks. Dang."